Happy Fathers Day - A thank you note.

Happy Fathers Day! Today I wanted to put a really quick post up just to say thank you to the three most important men in Harry’s life (and mine!)

Happy Fathers day to Sam. I don’t talk about him too much on here because he isn’t the greatest fan of it, but on today I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being everything I ever wanted in a dad to my children. Thank you for always putting Harry first and stepping up with this crazy journey we have found ourselves on. I know I couldn’t be the mum I am today if I didn’t have you with me. You make everything easier and the difficult things bearable.

Sam, you are definitely Harry’s favourite person, and always have been, and I know that Harry is your everything which is all I have ever asked for. We both love you so much.

Happy Fathers day to my Dad. We haven’t always had the best relationship, probably because we are so alike, but on this special day I just wanted to say thank you, for everything you do to make me being a parent easier.

You have also been the most amazing Grandad to our extra special little boy. I know that Harry’s diagnosis was hard on you, but I am so proud of the way you have stepped up and made the effort to learn so much more and try and make sure Harry has everything he will ever need. Thank you for that.

And to Sam’s dad, who has also been so much more then a father in law to me. Who has given me advice on things I needed and taught me things that I never would have known before, like how amazing real ale is! Thank you for the support you have given us as a family and for all the fun times.

Thank you for everything you do for Harry, that I know must put you out of your way a lot of the times. Harry is the luckiest little boy in the world having you in his life and he truly loves his Pops. We really couldn’t do this without the support you give us and we are so grateful to have you.

These three men have all had a hand in making me the woman I am today. Without their love and guidance, I don’t like to think where I would be. But more importantly these men have made Harry the cheeky, brave and confident little boy he is today. And for that I will never be able to say thank you enough – and probably don’t.

Happy Father’s Day!


  1. Lovely post! I can imagine if they read this post, Harry's dad and grandparents would be so happy!

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