I love watching these videos on Youtube and so thought I would do my own version. Here are 5 boys and 5 girls names I absolutely love but will not be using!
Starting with the boys names
1. Alexander. This one is a bit of a cheat because its one of Harry's middle names (yes he has 2!) so I don't know if technically I have used it? But I adore the name Alexander for a boy! Harry's name was supposed to be Alexander but it just didn't suit him. He's definitely a Harry!
2. Noah. This name is beautiful but Sam hates it. It also doesn't go with our last name so its a no go for this one, unfortunately!
3. Charlie. I love Charlie, but it doesn't go with Harry very well or again our last name (its kind of a tricky one) so no go for Charlie.
4. Wyatt. I have loved this name since the days of watching Charmed with my mum and always said I would name one of my children Wyatt. Then I met Sam who HATES this name. Even more than he hates Noah. But I'll continue to love this name.
5. Finn. This one comes from watching glee. I had never considered it before that show, but I loved the character Finn and the name. Won't be using it, becasue again Sam doesnt like it! I honestly don't know how we will ever name our next baby!
Girls Names.
1.Spencer. My number one girls name is Spencer. I love it for a boy too and hoping when the time comes i can convince Sam on it for a boy, but he is just not budging for a girl and while i love it, i worry that if we had a daughter and called her Spencer she would be teased for having a 'boys name'
2. Leighton. I've loved this since gossip girl and will always love it but it just not a name i see myself choosing. I'm not sure why, because I adore it so much!
3. Bella. I love this one just not enough!
4. Harriet. Obviously, I can't have Harry and Harriet, that's just too much!!
5.Maddy/Madaline. This kills me but it sounds horrible with our last name, so no for this one!
What are the names you love?
Balancing working and parenting
I have always worked full time. When I got pregnant I said I wasn't going to go back after my maternity leave full time, but maternity showed me that being at home is just not for me.
I have never said being a parent and working full time is easy, because believe me it really isn't. Its a very precious balancing act that can fall apart with the slightest wobble and wobbles come thick and fast.
Nearly 4 years in I think I've worked out a way to juggle it all pretty well, although I usually still manage to forget something!
Here are my top tips for balancing work and parenting.
1. Organisation - You need to know whats going on pretty much every moment of every day. For me, this comes down to knowing who is where, and especially who is picking up or dropping Harry off that day. I use a family calendar to map all of this out, including Sam's shifts, Harry's hospital appointments and any other things that may jump up at us!
2. Backups - While you can be the most organised person, at any one time something could happen to throw all of that out of the window, so make sure you have backups, and backups of backups, because honestly you never know what is going to come up.
3. Use your free time wisely - It can be very easy to 'waste' your days off work doing very little, not that this would be a waste, you work hard you deserve a break, but you may often find that doing little means you are behind on everything and its then usually the time you have with your child that suffers. I try to do all my 'chores' and writing blog posts and anything else that is clogging up my to-do list (there is a lot) when Harry is in bed and then make the most of the time we get together by doing something together, like crafts or baking or even just snuggling and watching a movie.
4. Take advantage of help - Someone is offering to cook you a meal? or do your ironing? or even clean your bathroom? Say yes! One job off your long list means that you may at the end of the day have time to sit down with a hot cup of tea (or coffee) and have half an hour (or more if you are really lucky) to yourself.
I have never said being a parent and working full time is easy, because believe me it really isn't. Its a very precious balancing act that can fall apart with the slightest wobble and wobbles come thick and fast.
Nearly 4 years in I think I've worked out a way to juggle it all pretty well, although I usually still manage to forget something!
Here are my top tips for balancing work and parenting.
1. Organisation - You need to know whats going on pretty much every moment of every day. For me, this comes down to knowing who is where, and especially who is picking up or dropping Harry off that day. I use a family calendar to map all of this out, including Sam's shifts, Harry's hospital appointments and any other things that may jump up at us!
2. Backups - While you can be the most organised person, at any one time something could happen to throw all of that out of the window, so make sure you have backups, and backups of backups, because honestly you never know what is going to come up.
3. Use your free time wisely - It can be very easy to 'waste' your days off work doing very little, not that this would be a waste, you work hard you deserve a break, but you may often find that doing little means you are behind on everything and its then usually the time you have with your child that suffers. I try to do all my 'chores' and writing blog posts and anything else that is clogging up my to-do list (there is a lot) when Harry is in bed and then make the most of the time we get together by doing something together, like crafts or baking or even just snuggling and watching a movie.
4. Take advantage of help - Someone is offering to cook you a meal? or do your ironing? or even clean your bathroom? Say yes! One job off your long list means that you may at the end of the day have time to sit down with a hot cup of tea (or coffee) and have half an hour (or more if you are really lucky) to yourself.
A Letter to my Love on Valentines Day
To Sam On Valentines Day,
Almost 10 and a half years ago, you chose me to be yours. I was a loud, outspoken and very annoying 17 years old who was using my outside to hide from the world what was really going on inside. You instantly saw through my mask and immediately set to work bringing that person to the surface.

We have been together through some of the hardest times, and you were my shoulder to cry on when I needed it the most.

Seeing you take on the role of a father has made me fall even more in love with you. Nothing brings me more joy than watching you with our beautiful boy. You cannot know how much it means to me when I see you with Harry.
I am so proud of you. You saw your dream and went for it, even when you didn't know it was your dream. You work so hard at your job and I know it is not easy for you to be away sometimes but you do it every day and make us proud.
I couldn't cope with everything we have going on, especially with Harry, without your love and support. I'm not the easiest person to deal with and I have plenty of problems of my own but you have never run away. And for that, I love you even more.
I can never tell you how much you mean to me but I hope that this shows you a percentage.
Happy Valentines Day my love.
Forever yours
Almost 10 and a half years ago, you chose me to be yours. I was a loud, outspoken and very annoying 17 years old who was using my outside to hide from the world what was really going on inside. You instantly saw through my mask and immediately set to work bringing that person to the surface.

We have been together through some of the hardest times, and you were my shoulder to cry on when I needed it the most.

Seeing you take on the role of a father has made me fall even more in love with you. Nothing brings me more joy than watching you with our beautiful boy. You cannot know how much it means to me when I see you with Harry.

I couldn't cope with everything we have going on, especially with Harry, without your love and support. I'm not the easiest person to deal with and I have plenty of problems of my own but you have never run away. And for that, I love you even more.
I can never tell you how much you mean to me but I hope that this shows you a percentage.

Forever yours
Dear Harry...
Dear Harry,
It has been a while since I have written you a letter. I'm sorry, I have been busy enjoying life with you and honestly, I felt like I didn't have much to say, but we've had a busy week and this is something that I want to be able to talk to you about.
Yesterday you had your first train ride. You were so excited. You love trains at the minute so being able to take you on a train made my day.
We travelled down to London and you were such a good boy. You behaved beautifully which isn't always the case as I'm sure you will have heard about plenty of times! You took everything in your stride as you always do.
I wish I had been able to take you on a train for something really fun, but this was aa very important trip. I have told you that you have a poorly heart and I think you understand, and you know that the doctors are going to make it better but I don't know how to explain to you that you will soon, very soon, be having a major operation. So we travelled to Great Ormand Street hospital for your Pre Op appointment.
You had EKG, echo, blood tests and X-Ray all in preparation for your surgery, again you took it in your stride and nothing bothered you. I don't think I have ever been so proud of you. You seemed so grown up and I had to pinch myself.
I will honestly never know what I did to deserve being your mum, but I'm bloody glad I did it!
I love you Bug
Mummy x

Yesterday you had your first train ride. You were so excited. You love trains at the minute so being able to take you on a train made my day.
We travelled down to London and you were such a good boy. You behaved beautifully which isn't always the case as I'm sure you will have heard about plenty of times! You took everything in your stride as you always do.

You had EKG, echo, blood tests and X-Ray all in preparation for your surgery, again you took it in your stride and nothing bothered you. I don't think I have ever been so proud of you. You seemed so grown up and I had to pinch myself.
I will honestly never know what I did to deserve being your mum, but I'm bloody glad I did it!
I love you Bug
Mummy x
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Where It All Started
Birth Story
Harry's birth story seemed like a fitting first post on here. Bear with me because it was written months ago. More posts to follow ever...