Tips for dealing with anxiety and depression while in lockdown

Depression and anxiety are difficult to handle at the best of times, but during a global pandemic and lockdown, it can be a million times harder.

If you are anything like me being locked in and feeling trapped can be a trigger for bad spells with mental health - I know I have certainly been struggling some days, but I've been working really hard on keeping it in check and here are the things I've been working on to help me stay on the best path possible.

1. Exercise - Please please please make the most of your one trip out a day. I have made a real effort to get out for almost every day. There have of course been some days that it hasn't happened but I've really been trying. I love to go out for a walk with Sam and Harry, or if Sam is working Harry and I take a wander. I have also been trying to get some sort of work out in at home. Not much mind but Harry is really loving PE with Joe Wicks and I'm getting better too!

2. Eat right - I have been making a real effort to make better choices with my food. I'm not saying I'm eating salad for every meal but thinking about what I eat is helping and the more fruit and veg I am eating is supposed to help with mental health - Hell I'll try anything honestly.

3. Keep busy - It's so important for me to be busy. I find if I have nothing to do my mind creeps towards the dark place so I have lots of things that keep me busy, even when I'm having some me-time, whether that be reading a book, listening to a book, knitting (my granny hobby) or adult colouring-in books, which are brilliant for stress relief.

4. Keep in touch with family and friends - Thank goodness for Facetime!! I don't think I would be able to cope as well as I have been if it hadn't been for Facetime conversations with everyone! We have been doing great quizzes and if I need to talk I know I can call any one of them up just to talk through whatever is going through my mind and that I think has been the biggest help through all of this. When I'm struggling with parenting or just having a bad day I have a whole support system just at the end of the phone!

5. Be honest with yourself and everyone else - This one kind of follows on from number 4 but if you aren't honest and admit when you are struggling you won't be in a position to help yourself. It's okay to struggle, I'm pretty sure that every single person has struggled during this lockdown so please believe you are not alone in this!

Stay safe!


  1. Excellent tips. Definitely agree with keeping busy and keeping in touch with family friends xx
    Sarah ��

  2. Insightful tips. Eating right is underrated but many things do improve by eating right.

  3. These are some great tips, I often get low esspecially when I cant see family or friends. I find doing my hobbies, like sewing really helps

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