Well, my furlough is over and I am back to work.
I had nearly 11 weeks off in total and have just finished week one back at work. Getting back into that routine was hard, to say the least.
I definitely made things easier for myself though. I was lucky enough to have about 5 days notice before my return to work so I could prepare. When thinking back to that Sunday night before I felt really smug about how organised I was. So I thought I would put together some of my tips for working mums.
1. Have a nighttime routine - A solid nighttime routine has always been the biggest help when it comes to being organised, and I'm not just talking about your child. It's important to make sure you have enough time to do everything you need to and still get enough sleep so that you can function at work the next day
2. Plan every detail - I am obsessive about being prepared and so have a list of things that I keep in my work bag at all times - I have a work bag post coming up if you are interested too - I check my bag every night and pop in everything I need. This is also important because you need to know what it is you are doing each day - Maybe you are going shopping after work or out with friends, so you may need to grab some reusable bags or lipstick and eyeliner for after work too.

3. Get everything ready the night before - If you only take notice of one of the organisation tips in this post, let it be this one. I hate rushing around in the morning, trying to grab lunch and get my bag together while dealing with Harry who is asking for snacks and juice and something on the TV or me to read his book with him. When I already have everything ready and its just a case of grabbing my lunch from the fridge as I'm leaving the house means I'm more relaxed, also means that I get half an hour to sit with Harry and read his book or play his mega blocks before I leave.

4. Develop a work 'capsule wardrobe' - Obviously, if you wear a uniform this one isn't really all that relevant to you. If you don't, however, I have found it very useful to have a capsule wardrobe for work that make picking my outfits so much easier. I have 8 tops, 2 dresses, 3 pairs of trousers and 3 different pairs of shoes in my work wardrobe at all times. I tend to swap pieces out every so often so it doesn't get too samey but basically wear the same thing. It's not adventurous but means I have more time to relax and spend less time stressing out my outfit.
5. Meal planning - I think I would meal plan, even if I weren't a working mum, I hate that question 'what's for dinner' Have a plan. This will help with time-saving and also help you build your shopping list.
I hope you have found these tips helpful! Let me know if you think I've missed some.