Providing Your Second-Grade Child The Best Homeschooling Experience

 If you homeschool your child and they are going into the second grade, you might want to hear some advice for the educational changes and needs. The small things can make them the happiest while getting through more challenging school years. 

Seeking support for your child going into second grade is necessary so that you can offer your grown-up child the best homeschooling experience. You won’t regret doing more to help their homeschool experience.

Let’s dive in and explore the best advice for providing your second-grader with the best homeschooling experience.

Photo by RDNE Stock project:

Plan fun activities for their first day 

Planning a fun-filled day for your child’s first day in second grade is a great way to introduce them to the new chapter of their education. Planning games and puzzles can introduce them to the new style of learning and what’s to come to get them excited and offer them a better understanding.

For instance, you can get a welcome to second grade coloring sheet and offer them fun activities to do on their first day to help them settle and feel relaxed about the concept of moving forward in their education. 

Handwriting lessons

Homeschooling your second-grade child should involve more handwriting sessions. When they are young, it is normal to teach through physical activities and games. However, the second-grade age is a time to help them practice handwriting. 

You can introduce them to handwriting sessions and offer writing exercises to enhance their understanding of a subject. It is wise to help them feel comfortable with writing before you offer them written worksheets. Otherwise, they might feel overwhelmed and not understand what’s being asked of them.  

Encourage them to write creatively

Once your second-grader feels comfortable with writing and has completed a few simple worksheets, it could be good to move them onto creative writing. 

Creative writing sessions can involve them using more of their imagination. They could write stories and diary entries, allowing them to practice their handwriting while incorporating a new way of learning. Allowing your child to create their own stories and content to present to you will encourage them to feel confident and expand their mindset in your educational sessions.

Provide them with homework

Children can start with homework at the second-grade age. Although they will be completing the homework in the same environment as their sessions, it will help them expand their knowledge and better understand complex subjects. 

You will be able to understand what subjects they find difficult. Hence, you can offer them homework tasks based on their struggles to help them unravel and understand them a little longer. 

Make learning interactive

The best way to teach second graders is through interactive, hands-on activities. Make every effort to include students in class and encourage their active engagement. For instance, when educating them about money, create a pretend store where your child may practice counting coins and changing money. Make easy experiments for science classes that students can do with little guidance.

Include field visits to local attractions like zoos, farms, and science museums. These encounters provide the concepts they're learning in a practical context and help them stick in their minds.

Establish a regular routine

Second graders gain a lot by following a regular daily schedule. A regular routine gives kids a sense of security and clarifies expectations. Every day should begin at the same time, with a schedule that incorporates breaks, creative play, physical activity, and time for various subjects.

Make a schedule that is easy for your child to see and follow. This may incorporate images or symbols for each task to make it simple for children to see what comes next. Maintaining a schedule aids in your child's development of responsible behavior and excellent habits, both of which are essential for their academic success.

Building core skills

The development of fundamental reading, writing, and math skills is especially important during the second grade. Make sure these areas are the focus of your homeschooling curriculum. Reading comprehension and fluency must be practiced every day. Encourage your child to write on a regular basis, whether it be in a diary, a letter, or a story.

Practice maths consistently and in different ways. To help them practice their abilities, use a mix of interactive apps, worksheets, and real-world applications. Practice addition and subtraction, then introduce the fundamentals of division and multiplication.

It will help your child if you are patient when learning core skills. Don’t move on until they understand the subject.

Why I Can't Wait to Go Back To Work After Maternity Leave

In the UK we are incredibly lucky to be able to take up to a year off of work when we have our babies, however, this is not fully paid leave. The current entitlement will vary from employer to employer, but the legal minimum required is; 
(taken from the website which can be found here)
Statutory Maternity Pay or SMP - The first six weeks are paid at 90% of your average weekly earnings (AWE) before tax then the remaining 33 weeks at £184.03 or 90% of your AWE whichever is lower. The final 13 weeks should you choose to take it would then be unpaid.  - Figures accurate as of April 2024. You will also still have your annual leave entitlement

When I found out I was pregnant with our second baby in March of 2023 we knew she would be due late November so I decided to start my maternity leave on 23rd October - making me 36 weeks pregnant. I have chosen to end my maternity leave on 31st July 2024 and take 5 weeks of annual leave to cover August meaning my return to work date is 2nd September 2024 and I cannot wait. 

Please do not assume this means I do not love my children and want to spend as much time with them as possible. I love my children more than I could ever explain and relish every single extra moment I can spend with them, but I cannot wait to get back to work and these are my reasons why. 

1) Money - Maternity pay is rubbish. I'm in a position with my job that I am paid a decent wage and so the drop in pay when on maternity leave is definitely noticeable, especially with the cost of living rising drastically. We will be much better off financially once I return to work, even with the extra childcare cost. 

2) Socialising - Maternity leave is lonely, especially when all of your friends and family work a 9-5 job. I spend 90% of my time now alone with my baby and count down to the weekends when I have my husband home and friends are available. When I go back to work I will have lots of other adults to talk to. 

3) Sence of Self - When I had both of my babies I felt like I lost myself and became 'Mummy' Everything is about the children - which is as it should be - but when I go back to work I get to be myself again and have things outside of the children which is definitely needed.

4) Mental Health - all of the things above contribute towards issues with my mental health. After I had my first baby I had quite bad post-natal depression which I have never hidden and when I fell pregnant the second time it was something that played on my mind as I knew the likelihood was I would get it again. One of the things that helped last time was returning to work. While I thankfully do not appear to have post-natal depression this time round, I still know that returning to work will help to prevent this as you can get post-natal depression up to two years after the birth of your baby. 

While returning to work will mean that I will miss out on time with my children and will be one of the hardest things to do, I know it will make me a better mother in the long run. I do feel that it is frowned upon to say that in the 'mum community' but here I am. Saying it. 

I can't wait to go back to work!

10 things you should always take to work

Anyone else used to be obsessed with the 'What's in my bag' videos on YouTube? Just me? I honestly loved a nosy into everyones bag, but even now I'll take a look at the 'work bag' editions out there because I love to be organised. I thought it might be a good idea to put together a 'What should I have in my work bag' post with my 10 must have items when I am going to work. Some of them you probably already have and maybe one or two you had never even thought about. 

1. Hand sanitiser. 
Okay so this one is obvious these days, however I have carried hand sanitiser in my bag since being pregnant. It was like it suddenly occurred to me that the world is a filthy place! I find that 'fun' sanitisers mean I reach for them more, I currently have the Carex love heart scent and now that Primark is open you can bet I'll be picking up some of their fun scents. 

2. Hand cream. 
Again this one is probably a given, but I work on a computer all day find it really hard to type when my hands are dry. Sanitiser doesn't really help with dry hands so I tend to go through loads of hand cream, in fact I keep one in my work bag and one on my desk at work too. 

3. Lip balm
Dryness is clearly an issue for me, but I hate dry lips, so you will always find a nice lip balm in my bag. EOS are my current favorites but I'm always looking to try new ones. 

4. Travel hairbrush
This one is one that people never seem to expect from me. I don't wear makeup to work very often (I like to sleep as long as possible) however I have long hair and often will wear it down, so I have a hairbrush always in my bag, just in case I want to pull my hair back or its just gotten a bit messy as I run my hands through it all day long!

5. Notebook and pens
I don't think I go anywhere without a notebook. I think it so much nicer to write things down then put them in my phone, I'm not a very digital person (although I am trying) there is something about a small notebook for when I have a blog idea or need to jot something down. 

6. Sunglasses. 
I never not have sunglasses in my bag. I'm incredibly short which means even in the winter if the sun is out its in my eyes. 

7. 'Period pack' 
If you look at this and think, nope don't need that, I am insanely jealous. 
What I mean when I say period pack is exactly that, I carry at all times a few sanitary towels, a few tampons, and a spare pair of underwear, just incase I get caught short at work. 

8. Hard boiled sweets. 
People always think this one is a little strange but I hate going anywhere without hard boiled sweets. I think they are great, tickle in your throat? Suck on a hard boiled sweet. Need a sugar hit? Hard boiled sweet for you my friend. Conversation starter for new people? Hey fancy a sweet! yeah I love these what's your favourite?

9. Mini anti bacterial spray
So these are a new one for me, but I love Fabulosa and when I saw in Aldi a few months back hey have mini versions I had to have them all. I always have these with me because, even now, you never know. I used to carry a pack of anti bac wipes but these and a tissue are so much better, and they smell amazing!

10. Toilet spray. 
There is nothing worse than needing to go for a number two at work. You know, it smells and its uncomfortable if anyone goes in there after you because its so obvious it was you. Well not anymore! I use the Fabulosa versions of toilet sprays but there are loads out there. Just spray before you go and no more smell!

What are you work bag must haves?

Where It All Started

Birth Story

Harry's birth story seemed like a fitting first post on here. Bear with me because it was written months ago. More posts to follow ever...